The word problems in this resource deal with addition sums to 20 and are all Change Unknown problems. They are presented on Think Boards, great graphic organisers that outline different strategies that may be used to solve the problem. The strategies used are: ‘Draw a Picture’, ‘Use a Number Line’, ‘Use a Ten Frame’, ‘Write a Number Sentence’ and ‘Part Part Whole’. Armed with the knowledge and experience of using a variety of strategies, the children will start to make their own decisions as to the most appropriate strategy for them to use at any one time.
You will find:
- 5 posters showing the strategies used on the Think Boards for display in the classroom
- 10 Think Boards – (2 per page) “Change Unknown” addition word problems - with sums to 20
- 4 Think boards - the number sentence (equation) is provided and students must create a number story themselves
- 2 Assessment Worksheets - each with 5 word problems.
Terms of Use:
This resource is for one classroom use only. It is bound by copyright laws and redistributing, editing, selling or posting this item (or any part thereof) on the internet are all strictly prohibited without first gaining permission from the author. Violations are subject to the penalties of the digital Millennium Copyright Act.
Addition Word Problems Change Unknown Sums to 20
PDF (15.5 Mb / 15 pages)